Thursday 29 October 2009

FTK the decision mentions to marks of cigarettes

The federal trading commission has cancelled its management is published 42 years ago that has allowed the tobacco companies, to make claims about pitches and nicotine on the basis of car tests.

The tobacco industry test known as Cambridge of the filter by a method in support of the statement for pitches and nicotine in a smoke of cigarettes is used. But the commission has told method test is void and as a result marketing which advances pitches and nicotine consumers can cause consider that light cigarettes it is more safe.

As a result the future of advertising which lists TAR of levels on cigarettes cannot use such terms, as "method КДК".

At present system, cigarettes with TAR above 15 milligramme on a cigarette usually name in the speed in branch as "full taste." Cigarettes with ТАР are made less by than 15 mg mentioned as "low" or "light".

ROBBER NABS $ 4200 in cigarettes

Police looking for suspect who robbed twice Lukoil gas station at the intersection of Route 309 and Upper State Road for 15 days.

Video from the second incident, on Jan. 14 presented a clear photograph of the suspect, according to Thomas Ward, a detective with the Montgomery Township Police Department.

Thomas described the man who took at least $ 4700 worth of cigarettes as robbery, and white men, about six feet tall, and gray sweat suit with a hood. He said that the man who has facial hair, may be Hispanic.

On December 30 the suspect took more than 20 cartons of cigarettes worth more than $ 1500 of gas station at 11:05 pm, according to the detective.

He said that the singer entered smashed glass doors with a blue canvas bag filled with concrete.

"Actor worked very quickly," said Thomas. "He was only in the store for one minute."

Last Wednesday, at approximately 11:30 pm, the suspect used a hammer to break similar to the door and steal $ 3200 worth of cigarettes, according to the detective.

Videos we could say it was the same suspect, "Thomas said. "He was pretty brazen. The movement on the route 309 was quite heavy, but it did not seem to bother him.

A wave of similar robberies in the region hit, according to Thomas.

He said two recent incidents at a petrol station in the village of Hatfield, seems to have been committed by the same suspect.

The authorities know of three separate groups, which were stolen cigarettes, but not sure if they work together.

"These crimes are a sign of the times with the current economy," said Thomas.

Montgomery Township police were cooperating with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue to monitor the cigarettes, according to Thomas.

He suggested that the product is sold on the street or in a fenced small traders in the city.

Monday 12 October 2009

Tobacco antiglobalism

Freak forms can take the argument of business, if he faces a loss of income. Russia's cigarette makers on Wednesday rose against the proposed Treasury rates of excise duty on tobacco products in 2010 - 2012, at the grounds that the new rates of benefit transnational corporations. Manufacturers estimate that cigarettes with the new year to rise by about 4 rubles. from the current 6 - 7 rub. for the stack. Rise in the price and non-filter cigarettes, occupying only 10% of Russia's market, but bearing a much higher share - from 25 to 90% - Revenue is Russian tobacco companies.
As The head of Pogarskij cigarette, cigar factory, Igor Moiseyev, the price increase will lead to the cigarettes disappear from the market. Not rich and, as a rule, an elderly purchasers of cigarettes without the filter does not matter that smoking, the main thing that was cheap. Moiseyev said that in the Bryansk region population is showing more interest in self-cultivation of tobacco raw material. And then another, and producers of fakes are activated. According to observations of the Director-General "Nevo Tabak Oleg Amiranova, Ukrainians have already started to buy in Russia, small lines for the clandestine manufacture of cigarettes without filter. And, most likely, their products will be designed for those who can not switch completely to tobacco.

Director-General Industrial Association Tabakprom Vadim Zhelnin not believe that Russia's producers so exaggerated - even 4 rubles. improve their customer is already painful. But if officials - which is unlikely - would agree not to raise excise taxes so much, transnational giants only say thank you and them, and Russia's lobbyists.

Thursday 27 August 2009

Church's attitude to smoking

There is no more common and most often justified habits (even in the Orthodox environment!) Than tobacco. The world is suffocating in cigarette smoke. Not only men but also women and children addicted to dope and caustic, like the insoluble ties, heavy chains and fetters, nailed his soul to the opaque tobacco smoke.

Do not worry, brothers and sisters, that is harmless and tolerant.
Tobacco - the great sin
In tobacco is, in addition to any argument, something directly unclean, and cigarette smoke defiles - in exactly the same as dirt, however, is not «just», but much deeper, more essential. Why? - Do not stir, even physiologically, this complex subject, but sensitive people can not help but feel that this is so. Tobacco - fucking incense, by definition, folk: «when fucking incense God something really remember», I heard from one farmer, who himself, incidentally, was smoking. That says it all: devil's grave, that is, something as impure as it is pure myrrh or other resins, in particular, how pure nard, that is cooked but not yet completely sanctified saint of the world.
One could say much about the effects of tobacco intoxication, cutting off from reality, like annealing roots of existence and the closing of pure subjectivity: not for nothing «Critique of Pure Reason» written, as you know, on cigars. Tobacco damages, as if an invisible отжигает's secret in our spirit, but most - of being a mystic connection, it disconnected, he makes a monad * (Monad - from urech. Monas - unit, the one, the notion of designating the various philosophies of the fundamental elements of existence), which has no windows or doors for communication with the external reality, he undermines the very roots, through which we eat from the depths of being. Externally, superficially there is nothing special in contrast to guilt, which operates more crudely physiologically, more superficial and therefore neblagoobrazno.
Typically at this very distinction of action of tobacco and wine on the intellect: while wine, at least in certain stages of their actions gives otyazhelenie intelligence and so humble, tobacco, on the contrary, the apparent way sharpens thinking, but this is achieved by an artificial simplification of tasks torn out of their difficulties in life, and exclusion of all real and irrational, reduced to the simplest schematic formulas. In the tobacco stupidly arrogant of their power the mind deals with problems instead of solving them. As one smoker: the ghosts, they also generated, and then confess to as ghosts.
On this subject could argue a lot. But now, it's important for us to simply say that there is a direct sense of this duhovnovredonosnogo of smoke from the people, especially when he was a church, and have devotees: «Which man will derzati this very demonic and the divine and holy hated abdication - of tobacco, then the person uskrutit brain and the brain, rather than fall into the head of its foul stink and ruined it all in his mind, and will tako stinking stinking prebyvati melting at its head, and not tochiyu led his uniform, but also in all his bones melting stinking stinking dwell instead drain. And ashche whether the cue of people who will twist tvoriti such devilish thing, per se bo a man not fit in the church of God vhoditi and krestitisya, and the Gospel and Communion tselovati not figure out, sveschi, or consecrated bread, or any offering, and with people he does not mytisya and not yasti, till be abolished from takovyya audacity ».
In government decrees against smoking that is look at tobacco as something mystical nasty finds a measure of consolidation of the legislature. For example, we read: «we have the grace of God, Emperor and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Ordinance. In a nationwide news to announce and punishable by Orthodox Christians on the damned tobacco. Yes you wake in the news. Determined that Archimandrite Gennady that Orthodox Christians have damned tobacco not only in the masculine gender, but also in the female, engage mortal sin. But Archimandrite Gennady Come unto me, the Emperor Alexei Mikhailovich, takozhde and everything sigklitu priesthood and the king with a petition and wish you iskoreniti damned tobacco and mortal sin. Taco announced in his petition. There are the Orthodox Christians who have damned tobacco in small sosudeh iderzha-School with him, and nyuhayusche nostrils and putting a lip in the mouth, defiles his mouth, and other vzemshe tube and nakladshe full of snuff, and vzemshe in his mouth and sucking in itself, emits a generous fire from his mouth, like a devil, emitted sparks from themselves. So Orthodox Christians doing takozhde and other written extensively in the petition Gennadievoy, as requested by the emperor damned tobacco, so there was no sin in the Orthodox hristianeh smertnago. And thus sdelasha and under the application. Sovereign Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered the AOR to announce a nationwide news and damned tobacco, and the mortal sin, how people fall into mortal sin, and ordered his sigklitu suspected to have, where vzyasya, she cursed tobacco. And who drinks it, he led hvatati those in the yard and privoditn the king's chamber and the rule of the boyar pristaviti, another suspect in the realm of the city of Moscow, and which was secretly caught sight were: Jacob merchant Speman, torgovasha he damned tobacco, and even rule of the boyar Seeds Puschina servant Jacob Sidorov, Anton Pavlov yes Yegor master salesman. And they brought in onyya the royal chamber and directly in the interrogation revealed. They combined pokazasha that tobacco ONU brought Poles and those buying from them, and the clerk showed takozhde Yegor Barin, drinks in his nostrils, and Nadezhda "rule of the boyar Seeds Puschina servant showed that piyyutim for lip kladyasche, and for that they were all executed Christians : who drinks for the lip, so cut out both lips, and who drinks in the nose, cut out the nose and put them in the people of the news. A onogo merchant punishing on the body. And of those that acknowledge and beseech you, Christians, but not gone off the eternal blessings. Great Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich and the entire priestly rank implores you to not be in you damned tobacco. King and the emperor Alexei Mikhailovich. Bishop Eustace presence a capacity-building Vologda, clergyman Semyon Yakovlev, 1650, April 2 days ».
Such a rigorous assessment of toxicity of tobacco by our ancestors. The latest views on tobacco, on its full compatibility with the shrine on his besoprivlekayuschuyu ability, by virtue of losing touch with reality and, consequently, as a result of spiritual loneliness, confirm the ancient judgments about it. In a conversation with a hermit had to speak again about the degree of credibility of a person who bore the greatest dignity of the Orthodox Church - the authority on the issue of high mysticism. Hermit, a staunch determination: «It is nothing to understand». - «But why not just« understands », namely« can not? »-« He smokes because », - was the answer. Next followed an explanation of the incompatibility of spiritual experience with tobacco smoking. There has numerous stories about the incompatibility of tobacco and shrines. There is no reason to doubt the authenticity of the historical foundations of these stories.
There are scents of clean and unclean odors. The first in the Christian life as a gift received from the life, used in prayer, the atmosphere, elevated to the level of consecration. There is a special rite of consecration «fragrant zeliya» with the sprinkling of holy water on him: «Thou art the All-Merciful Lord, and seeds And this, with different zeliyami prinesennyya into the holy temple, bless, and sanctify them with thy Holy Spirit, and thy servants now, which receive zeliya Ñèÿ with seeds from all impurity cleanse, and their houses vsyakago Incense executive, to be alone hedgehog symmetry all faith that keep me and kadyaschimsya them in practice and deliver us from all foes prilogov and the to-gnanie vsyakago dreams, from the action of the devil nahodyaschago, dnevnago and noschnago on blessing same souls and bodies, Thy faithful lyudem and cattle, house and the same place. Yako da TNI which receive Ñèÿ zeliya embraced a cover body and soul, and let it be our salvation medicine: The Sacrament of Thy grace, yes means no place to lay, or by means usability is, in the hedgehog received the blessing of the whole (the opposing force has driven out from there) Thy right hand so pokryet ... ».
Thus, the fragrant brew destined for domestic consumption, called «the sacrament of God's grace». And of aromas surrounding the body, there is a continuous shift to cover and then - to cover grace, guarding against evil effect, dark forces.
But when Orthodox Christians fill his house, the stench of tobacco and surround themselves with the stifling smoky haze, they not only lose their grace cover, and in conjunction with toxic smoke is introduced under the cover of your lyuteyshego demon.
Who does not cry, seeing how the Christian soul, designed to be the abode of God and the temple of the Holy Spirit, becomes a kind of devil and the damned fire-breathing dragon!
Who would not mourn about such insensitivity smokers who are able to combine the Holy Sacrament to harmful passion!

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Marlboro Man

Marlboro man is an American cowboy and the main character of Marlboro country - the best cigarette advertisement of the century, world-famous cigarette advertisement character, masculine trademark and macho icon.
Marlboro man is the ad character used by tobacco producer Philip Morris for Marlboro cigarettes, which in fact was initially a ladies' smoking brand.
The history of Marlboro man began in 1954. The father of Marlboro Man was Leo Burnet - an advertising agent. P. Morris Tobacco Company has introduced an innovation in Marlboro cigarette production that has lead to a fundamental shift in the brand's target group.
Marlboro have became a male cigarette. But, it wasn’t easy to escape the female image that accompanied this tobacco product. They were likely to be referred to as “sissy” cigarettes.
It was Burnet who purposed the advertisement of the new Marlboro cigs. While searching for a solution, Leo was brainstorming: “What is a masculine symbol people can think of?” The answer came from the Cimarron Ranch in wild New Mexico, the country of “real cowboys on horses”.
The final scene of Marlboro cig ad contained a rugged cowboy who smoked a Marlboro cigarette surrounded by wild nature.
Using this fantastic image, the legendary cigarette advertising campaign for Marlboro cigarettes has begun. In 1972, this tobacco ad brought Marlboro cigs the rank of world best-selling tobacco product. And the most famous too. Every image of a cowboy, western landscape and/or red color reminded of the Marlboro trademark no matter whether these images were accompanied by the slogan or not.
Marlboro man living in Marlboro country has become the symbol of freedom, liberty and independence. The famous cowboy was placed first on the list of “101 most influential people who never lived” in Imaginary Luminaries. He is also considered “the brand image of the century”.
The role of Marlboro man was played by famous people like: actor and author William Thourlby (the first Marlboro Man), Quarterback Charley Conerly, Darrell Winfield, Dick Hammer, Brad Johnson, Bill Dutra, Dean Myers, Robert Norris, Wayne McLaren, David McLean and Tom Mattox.